Bottom Line is BC&ACI a Scam?

"We Build Spiritual and Financial Dreams Through Non-Denominational Christian Based Executive Management and Holding Companies and Through Non-Denominational Direct Sales Multi-Stream E-Commerce Marketing"

Daniel Baker

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

The Organization of Bakers Concepts and Affiliated Companies LLC., DBA., BC&ACI was founded in Duxbury Ma. between 1990 and 1995 and is an incorporated, licensed, bonded company since January of 1995. We are one of the largest Non-Denominational Christian Based Direct Sales Multi-Stream E-Commerce Companies in the world of its kind.

BC&ACI Partners and BC&ACI Affiliated Partners make up our business model. We market products and services via affiliate marketing, direct sales, e-commerce marketing, network marketing, party planning, and wholesale to retail trade. That's what makes us unique!! All of our products and services including our wholesalers, retailers, direct sales companies, and network marketing companies are Fortune™, Inc™, and well-known private companies.

Directly through our wholly-owned subsidiaries, wholly-owned virtual subsidiaries, wholly-owned divisions, and wholly-owned ministries we are a direct sales company marketing name brand products and services from all over the world and giving back to churches and ministries we support so they can help those within our ministry scope.

We are an accredited business with multiple accreditation agencies including Dun and Bradstreet and The Better Business Bureau.

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